Collection: All Ice Age fossils for sale

Explore our captivating collection of Ice Age fossils. This exclusive webstore section unveils a prehistoric world frozen in time, featuring mammoth tusks, cave bear teeth and other extraordinary relics. Immerse yourself in the ancient landscapes of woolly mammoths and giant sloths as you browse through these rare and remarkable specimens. Each fossil tells a unique tale of survival and adaptation during the last Ice Age.

About The Ice Age

The Ice Age, also known as the Pleistocene epoch, is a geological period that spanned from approximately 2.6 million years ago to about 11,700 years ago. It was characterized by recurring glacial and interglacial periods, during which vast ice sheets covered large portions of the Earth's surface, profoundly shaping landscapes, climates, and ecosystems.

Glacial Cycles

The Ice Age was marked by cycles of glaciation, where large ice sheets expanded and contracted in response to changes in global climate. These glacial cycles were driven by variations in Earth's orbit and axial tilt, which influenced the distribution of solar radiation and the onset of ice ages. Glacial periods were characterized by colder temperatures, extensive ice cover, and lower sea levels, while interglacial periods were warmer and saw the retreat of glaciers.

Ice Sheets and Glaciers

During glacial periods, massive ice sheets formed over continents, covering large areas of North America, Europe, and Asia. In some regions, glaciers extended far beyond the polar regions, shaping landscapes through the processes of erosion and deposition. Icebergs calved from glaciers and ice shelves, contributing to the lowering of sea levels and the redistribution of water across the Earth's surface.

Climate and Environments

The Ice Age had a profound impact on global climates and environments. Glacial periods were characterized by cooler temperatures, arid conditions, and the expansion of polar ice caps. This led to the formation of vast ice deserts, tundra, and permafrost regions, which supported unique ecosystems adapted to cold, harsh environments. In contrast, interglacial periods saw warmer temperatures, higher sea levels, and the expansion of temperate forests, grasslands, and wetlands.

Fauna and Flora

The Ice Age was a time of remarkable biodiversity, with diverse and often large-bodied megafauna inhabiting various ecosystems around the world. Iconic Ice Age mammals included woolly mammoths, saber-toothed cats, cave bear, giant ground sloths, and woolly rhinoceroses, among others. These animals were adapted to cold climates and thrived in environments such as grasslands, tundra, and boreal forests. Ice Age flora included cold-adapted plants such as conifers, mosses, and lichens, which played crucial roles in supporting terrestrial ecosystems.

Human Adaptations

Early humans, such as Homo sapiens and Neanderthals, were present during the Ice Age and adapted to changing environmental conditions. They developed sophisticated tools, clothing, and shelter to survive in cold climates, hunted Ice Age megafauna for food and resources, and created intricate artworks and cultural artifacts that provide insights into their lives and beliefs.

Legacy and Impact

The Ice Age left a lasting legacy on Earth's landscapes, climates, and ecosystems. Glacial and interglacial cycles shaped the distribution of landforms, influenced patterns of biodiversity, and played a role in the evolution and extinction of species. The legacy of the Ice Age continues to be felt today, with ongoing research into its causes, consequences, and implications for understanding Earth's past and future climate dynamics.

The Ice Age was a pivotal period in Earth's history, characterized by dramatic changes in climates, environments, and ecosystems. Through its glacial cycles, ice sheets, and diverse fauna and flora, the Ice Age left an indelible mark on the planet, shaping landscapes and influencing the evolution of life for millions of years. Studying the Ice Age provides valuable insights into the dynamic nature of Earth's climate system and the resilience of life in the face of environmental change.

All Ice Age fossils for sale